Saturday, June 15, 2013

Look Back With Longing Eyes.

There will come a day
when you won't remember each other's names.
I think she was in my home room.
He played football. I think.

Don't worry about this. 
You will remember
the softness of that late afternoon sun
a moment of promise between dusk and twilight

the look in your mothers' eyes as they took pictures
 of the beauty and the heat and the lies of memory

the smell of the flowers,
and his hand, gentle on your wrist.
the smell of the flowers,
nothing sweet as the smell of her skin. 

You will remember.

Summer, waiting.
That first dance. And the last.
What you think you will never forget.

Beauty will surprise you, always.

what astonishes me again and again and again: 
youth, unjaded

1 comment:

  1. Yet another stunningly beautiful tribute to life! These posts should be required reading for every person before leaving home to join the rest of the world (which is to say, before the first day of kindergarten). And they should be read out loud to the younger ones.

    Thank you so much - again.
